Understanding how species-typical movement patterns are organized in the nervous system is a central question in neurobiology. The current explanations involve ‘alphabet’ models in which an individual neuron may participate in the circuit for several behaviors but each behavior is specified by a specific neural circuit. However, not all of the well-studied model systems fit the ‘alphabet’ model. The ‘equation’ model provides an alternative possibility, whereby a system of parallel motor neurons, each with a unique (but overlapping) field of innervation, can account for the production of stereotyped behavior patterns by variable circuits. That is, it is possible for such patterns to arise as emergent properties of a generalized neural network in the absence of feedback, a simple version of a ‘self-organizing’ behavioral system. Comparison of systems of identified neurons suggest that the ‘alphabet’ model may account for most observations where CPGs act to organize motor patterns. Other well-known model systems, involving architectures corresponding to feed-forward neural networks with a hidden layer, may organize patterned behavior in a manner consistent with the ‘equation’ model. Such architectures are found in the Mauthner and reticulospinal circuits, ‘escape’ locomotion in cockroachs, CNS control of Aplysia gill, and may also be important in the coordination of sensory information and motor systems in insect mushroom bodies and the vertebrate hippocampus. The hidden layer of such networks may serve as an ‘internal representation’ of the behavioral state and/or body position of the animal, allowing the animal to fine-tune oriented, or particularly context-sensitive, movements to the prevalent conditions. Experiments designed to distinguish between the two models in cases where they make mutually exclusive predictions provide an opportunity to elucidate the neural mechanisms by which behavior is organized in vivo and in vitro.