Caprine arthritis encephalitis

Extract Caprine arthritis encephalitis (CAE) is a disease of goats of any breed, sex and age, caused by a retrovirus related to, but distinct from, the maedi-visna virus which affects sheep. (4) Gazit, A. , Yaniv, A. , Divr, M. , Perk, K. , Irving, S.G. and Dahlberg, J.E. 1983. The caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus is a distinct virus within the lentivirus group. Virology, 124: 192–195. [Google Scholar] (10) Roberson, Susan M. , McGuire, T.C. , Klevjer-Anderson, Paula , Gorham, J.R. and Cheevers, W.P. 1982. Caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus is distinct from visna and progressive pneumonia viruses as measured by genome sequency homology. J. Virol., 44: 755–758. [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] Both infections are included among the so-called slow virus diseases which are characterised by a long incubation period, protracted clinical course and persistent infection. Maedi-visna is not present in New Zealand but CAE has been detected in a number of goat flocks.