The ultrastructure of the atrium in the adult newt Notophthalmus viridescens (Amphibia, Salamandridae)

The atrial wall of Notophthalmus viridescens is 25–75 μm thick and is trabeculated sparsely. Coronary vessels are absent. The endocardial endothelium is continuous and has 50–60 nm-wide fenestrae with diaphragms, rests on a discontinuous basal lamina and lacks occluding junctions. Cells found in the subendothelial connective tissue are xanthophores, melanophores, mast cells, fibroblasts, macrophages, and unmyelinated nerve fibers with Schwann cell investments. Epicardial mesothelial cells contain numerous 6–7 nm filaments and lamellar bodies which resemble myelin figures. Mesothelial cell junctions include maculae adhaerentes diminutae, desmosomes, and interdigitations. The epicardial connective tissue layer is more extensive than that of the endocardium, with xanthophores and melanophores rarely present and nerve fibers never observed. The myocardium consists of a mesh-work of myocytes 3–5 cell layers thick with little intervening connective tissue. Myocytes are 6–10 μm in diameter and have two or three peripheral myofibrillae. Typical A, I, H, Z, and M bands are present with a sarcomere length of 2.5 μm. T tubules are not observed. The sarcoplasmic reticulum has subsarcolemmal dilations. The nuclear pole region contains abundant mitochondria and atrial granules, extensive Golgi, and elements of smooth and rough-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum. Lateral intercellular junctions consisting of dense plaques, frequently continuous with Z-line material, are common. Oblique and transversely oriented junctions consisting of primarily of fascia adhaerentes, are present. It appears that amphibian atrial myocytes more closely resemble those of the amphibian ventricle than those of the mammalian atrium. Structural differences between amphibian atrial and ventricular myocytes seem to be quantitative rather than qualitative in nature.