Pathology of temporal lobectomy for refractory seizures in children

Significant pathological abnormalities were encountered in a series of 20 temporal lobectomies in children with intractable complex partial seizures. In particular, "dual pathology" (mesial temporal sclerosis with other lesions) was found rather than mesial temporal sclerosis as the only lesion. Unusual pathological findings included capillary penetration of neurons in a neuronal heterotopia in one patient, and foci of extensive cortical disorganization in some cases of mixed tumors and gangliogliomas. A high proportion of neuronal migration disorders was also seen with overlapping pathological features between cortical dysplasia and tuberous sclerosis. In this correlative clinical, radiological, electroencephalographic, and pathological study, some of the pathological lesions in children did not fit the classical categories of neoplasia and malformation and transitional forms were rarely encountered.