A replicated trial was done to find whether the insecticides Thimet and Rogor applied in the soil affected the spread of aphid‐transmitted viruses from infected to healthy plants with potato crops. The insecticides were applied at planting as activated carbon formulations at rates equal in cost to three sprays with DDT emulsion at 2 lb. DDT per acre. The infected plants were removed (rogued) in late June.Thimet applied along the furrows with the fertilizer, and Rogor applied in individual doses beneath each tuber, kept the plants free from aphids from a week after the plants emerged until early August. Thimet in individual doses was less effective but greatly decreased the aphid infestation. All treatments prevented or greatly decreased the spread of leaf‐roll virus, but they only slightly decreased the spread of virus Y. No treatment damaged the plants or depressed yields significantly.Tubers harvested from the plots treated with insecticides contained only very small quantities of the insecticides, but shoots from them, when infested with adult Myzus persicae (Sulz.), carried fewer aphids a week after infestation than did shoots from control tubers. Shoots of tubers from treated plots also grew more slowly than those from the controls.The aphicidal efficiency of Thimet applied as individual doses separated from the tubers by distances of up to 6 in., decreased as the distance increased, but the effect of distance became less as time passed.Reasons for the differences in the behaviour of the insecticides are discussed, and the possibilities that the method offers to control virus diseases. The application of insecticides to soil promises to be a useful way of controlling the spread of viruses, provided the harvested crop is free from toxic residues.