Development and Evaluation of Alternative Habitat Suitability Criteria for Brook Trout

We developed habitat suitability criteria (HSC) for mean column velocity and depth from a foraging model (foraging-model HSC) that incorporated the energetic costs and benefits of a foraging location for drift-feeding brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis in Hunt Creek, Michigan. We compared these criteria to HSC developed from frequency-of-use data (use HSC) collected in Hunt Creek. Foraging-model HSC predicted that a single mean column velocity was optimal and depended on fish size, whereas a range of optimal mean column velocities was predicted from frequency-of-use data. The optimal velocities predicted from foraging-model HSC for yearling and older brook trout (range 32–49 cm·s−1) were greater than the highest optimal velocity (27 cm·s−1) predicted by use HSC. The optimal-velocity values predicted from foraging-model HSC for age-0 fish (23 and 29 cm·s−1 for 5- and 7.5-cm fish, respectively) were within the range of optimal velocities (6–30 cm·s−1) predicted from use HSC. The predicted range of u...

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