Thermionic detectors for GC employ various volatile alkali salts to liberate the necessary amount of alkali into the flame. The thermionic source of this new detector, however, is a glass bead, containing the alkali as a non-volatile rubidium silicate. The bead is at a negative potential, and since glass has a good electrical conductivity at the operating temperature, atomic alkali is generated and vaporized into the flame space. After ionization, the resulting positive alkali ions are captured again by the negative bead, and thus the alkali reservoir is not exhausted and the detector housing not contaminated. For the same reason a low background current and a low noise level similar to that of a flame ionization detector are achieved. This detector can be operated as a specific nitrogen detector (detection limit 0.1 pgN/s) with an additional sensitivity toward phosphorus compounds and in a different working mode, in which phosphorus compounds only are detected (detection limit 0.05 pgP/s). Changeover between both working modes is very simple, since all necessary operations are accomplished on an external control unit, thus avoiding any adjustments on the detector itself. By this method this detector has a selectable specificity.