Electronic states of AgCl nanocrystals embedded in crystalline KCl studied by95GHzoptically detected magnetic resonance spectroscopy

The properties of shallow electron centers (SEC), self-trapped holes (STH), and self-trapped excitons (STE) are investigated in nanocrystals of AgCl embedded in a crystalline KCl matrix. Time-resolved photoluminescence (PL) measurements reveal a behavior different from that in bulk AgCl: an inhomogeneous distribution of the properties of the recombination centers is revealed by the spectral dependence of the decay rates. In time scales from nano- to microseconds, slower rates are systematically observed at the low-energy side of the emission range. In high-frequency (95GHz) optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) measurements, the transitions of SEC and STH centers are only observed in the extreme-low energy tail of the PL emission and they exhibit a broad and asymmetric g-value distribution (width δg0.07), ranging up from the respective bulk g-values. A complex behavior of the ODMR spectrum in the STE region is revealed, showing different spectra at 1.8K and at higher temperature, and, different from the bulk AgCl case, exhibiting a strong dependence upon variation of the detection photon energy. Analysis of the measurements at 4.6K yields a zero field splitting in the STE triplet state in good agreement with the bulk value, while the g-values are slightly increased relative to bulk, which is ascribed to the nanocrystal environment.