Gonadal Regression Despite Light Pulses Coincident with Locomotor Activity in the Syrian Hamster1

Feedback lighting (LDFB), which illuminates an animal cage in response to active wheel running, exposes only the photosensitive portion of the phase-response curve to light. In the hamster, the photoinducible zone of the circadian rhythm of photoperiodic photosensitivity occurs during the interval of active wheel running. Since LDFB exposes the photoinducible zone almost as much as constant light (LL), we predicted that LDFB would maintain gonadal function just as LL does. Surprisingly, 10 male hamsters exposed to 1-sec pulses of LDFB for 8 wk had regressed testes similar to those of hamsters in continuous darkness (DD) and significantly smaller than hamsters exposed to LL (P less than 0.01). Two of 5 male hamsters exposed to 2-min pulses of LDFB underwent complete testicular regression and two had partially regressed testes. All females exposed to LDFB or to DD ceased showing cyclic signs of ovulation within 20 days, whereas most hamsters exposed to LL continued to show signs of cyclic ovulation. Six of the 8 hamsters exposed to LL had ova in their oviducts at autopsy, and also had significantly larger uteri (P less than 0.01) than hamsters exposed to DD or LDFB. None of the latter two groups (n = 6 and 9, respectively) had oviductal ova at autopsy. These results demonstrate that considerable exposure of the photoinducible zone to light does not necessarily maintain gonadal function. Light delivered to the photoinducible zone by LDFB may disrupt the normal alignment (internal coincidence) of circadian rhythms, thereby causing gonadal regression. Gonadal induction can occur when the photoinducible zone is exposed to light; however, it may not be the light itself, but rather the action of the light to alter the phase relationships of several oscillators, that causes induction and maintenance of the gonads.