Prevalence of subgroup 1, 2, and 3 rotaviruses in belgian children suffering from acute diarrhea (1978–1981)

The relative prevalence of human rotavirus subgroups was studied during a 3-year period (1978–1981) by means of a sensitive complement fixation technique. Among 93 rotavirus isolates from children with acute gastroenteritis in Brussels, the prevalence of subgroups 1, 2, and 3 was, respectively 24, 17, and 32%. The remaining 27% of strains could not be typed, but no evidence for the existence of any new subgroup was found. The proportion of strains belonging to the different subgroups remained roughly constant during the study period, showing the simultaneous occurrence of the various subgroups of viruses, even during the annual winter peak of rotavirus gastroenteritis.