Glycaemic index and glycaemic load values of commercially available products in the UK

The objective of this paper is to provide glycaemic index (GI) and glycaemic load (GL) values for a variety of foods that are commercially available in the UK and to compare these with previously published values. Fasted subjects were given isoglucidic (50 or 25 g carbohydrate) servings of a glucose reference at least two to three times, and test foods once, on separate occasions. For each test food, tests were repeated in at least eight subjects. Capillary blood glucose was measured via finger-prick samples in fasting subjects (0 min) and at 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 and 120 min after the consumption of each test food. The GI of each test food was calculated geometrically by expressing the incremental area under the blood glucose response curve (IAUC) of each test food as a percentage of each subject's average IAUC for the reference food. GL was calculated as the product of the test food's GI and the amount of available carbohydrate in a reference serving size. The majority of GI values of foods tested in the current study compare well with previously published values. More importantly, our data set provides GI values of several foods previously untested and presents values for foods produced commercially in the UK.