Sugar Composition of the Polysaccharide Portion of Lipopolysaccharides ofVibrio fluvialis, Vibrio vulnificus, andVibrio mimicus

A chemotaxonomic study was carried out on Vibrio fluvialis and V. vulnificus on the basis of the sugar composition of the polysaccharide portion of their lipopolysaccharides (LPS). A previously developed rapid method of preparing samples for compositional sugar analysis was employed. Nineteen O-serogroups of V. fluvialis were divided into 14 chemotypes while seven O-serogroups of V. vulnificus were divided also into seven chemotypes since the polysaccharide portion of LPS of each serogroup has a different sugar composition from that of the other serogroups. Close similarities in the sugar composition of the same portion were demonstrated between serologically cross-reacting non-O1 group V. cholerae and V. fluvialis, and non-O1 V. cholerae and V. mimicus.