Scanning Electron Microscopic Findings in Interstitial Cystitis

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was performed on transurethral resection biopsies form 13 patients with classic interstitial cystitis. Biopsies from 9 patients with stress incontinence served as controls. The SEM appearance of the bladder surface in interstitial cystitis varied considerably, exhibiting small round and large polygonal cells. The proportion of cells displaying round uniform and pleomorphic microvilli was high and sometimes dominated the area examined. SEM characteristics earlier assigned to bladder tumours were detected in patients with interstitial cystitis and, at a lower frequency, also in control patients. The mucin layer covering the urothelial cells seemed reduced in interstitial cystitis compared with control specimens. Surface characteristics specific for interstitial cystitis were, however, not detected by SEM.