RNA Synthesis in Division SynchronizedTetrahymena:Macronuclear and Cytoplasmic RNA*

SYNOPSIS.Synthesis of RNA in the macronucleus and appearance of RNA in the cytoplasm were studied in heat synchronizedTetrahymena pyriformisGL and compared to those found under conditions of logarithmic growth (28 C) and during heat shocks (34 C).In macronuclei of logarithmically growing cells precursors were processed to 2 rRNA species (25S and 17S). In addition, another RNA (15S), more homogeneous than the RNA (8‐15S) in the cytoplasm, was observed in the macronucleus. Both 17S and 25S rRNA species were found in the cytoplasm, 17S rRNA appearing more rapidly than 25S rRNA. Synthesis of rRNA was suppressed at 34 C in cells subjected to heat synchronization; 8‐15S RNA synthesis appeared to be inhibited to a lesser extent.During the time preceding the first synchronized division, the synthesis of rRNAs in the macronucleus slowly recovered. Early in the cycle, almost no newly synthesized rRNAs were extracted. By 30 min after the last heat shock (EH), most of the RNA synthesized was not identified as rRNA. By 60 min after EH, the pattern of RNA synthesis had not returned to that observed in logarithmically growing cells.