Specificity and Sensitivity of Insulin Staining by Aldehyde Fuchsin, Pseudoisocyanin and Toluidine Blue

Aldehyde fuchsin, pseudoisocyanin and toluidine blue, histochemical dyes reported to be specific for insulin–containing granules of the pancreatic beta cell, were applied to insulin fixed in polyacrylamide gel by disc electrophoresis. Two major and four minor bands were resolved as demonstrated by staining with amidoschwarz; only the two major bands, were stained by aldehyde fuchsin. The addition of serum did not affect this reaction. Serum or insulin components gave no metachromatic reactions to the other stains. Under the conditions applied, aldehyde fuchsin is the only one of these dyes specific for insulin in this, system, but this stain is not sufficiently sensitive to detect normal serum levels of the hormone.