Cytological and Morphological Studies of a New Species of Phlyctochytrium

Phlyctochytrium dichotomurn (Phylctidiaceae, Chytridiales) is unique among species of Phlyctochytrium by its possession of a dark brown sporangium wall and a system of nontapering rhizoids which branch dichotomously. The flagellum is inserted laterally to sub-basally on the body of the zoospore, but is directed posteriorly when the zoospore swims. The zoospore, as shown with light and electron microscopy, has the characteristics of the Type 2 motile cell. Electron microscope observations of encysted zoospores show that the axoneme is absorbed into the cytoplasm through the membrane of the body of the zoospore. In autolyzed zoospores a rhizoplast was seen with light and electron microscopy, but in thin sections of zoospores viewed with the electron microscope a system of microtubules, but no rhizoplast, was seen.