The expression of genes in particular for light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein (LHCP) and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBPCase) has been studied in the developing barley leaf. This has been done by analysis of the occurrence of both proteins within the different regions (1 to 6, beginning from the base) of the primary 7-day-old leaf. It has been found that LHCP already appears in the base of the leaf, whereas RuBPCase is primarily expressed in the apical expanding part of the leaf. The distribution of the mRNAs for both proteins within this gradient is in accordance with that of the proteins themselves, indicating that gene expression is not regulated at the level of translation in both cases. The poly(A) mRNA for LHCP occurs mainly in the basic sections 2 and 3, whereas that for RuBPCase is found throughout the leaf but primarily in the apical sections of the leaf.