Fatal Asthma in a Subject Sensitized to Toluene Diisocyanate

We report the case of a 43-yr-old car painter who died within 1 h of exposure to a polyurethane paint in the workplace. A diagnosis of asthma induced by toluene diisocyanate (TDI) had been established 6 yr before, when he underwent inhalation challenges with carbachol and with TDI. The subject had airway hyperresponsiveness to carbachol (PD20FEV1 carbachol = 0.32 mg; normal value greater than 1.0 mg) and developed an early and long-lasting asthmatic reaction after exposure to TDI in the laboratory. Although it was recommended that he change his job or stop using paints containing isocyanates, he continued to work as a car painter, taking antiasthmatic drugs both at work and at home to control asthma symptoms. On Monday, October 6, 1986, at 11:30 A. M., he developed a severe attack of asthma while he was mixing the 2 components of a polyurethane paint. Taken to hospital, he was dead on arrival. Autopsy showed no evidence of cardiac or brain disease; lungs were overinflated, the cut surface showed grey glistening mucous plugs in in the airways. Histologic examination showed denudation of airway epithelium and thickening of the basement membrane with infiltration of the lamina propria by polymorphonuclear leukocytes, mainly eosinophils, and diffuse mucous plugging of bronchioles. Bronchial smooth muscle appeared hyperplastic and disarrayed, and lung parenchyma showed focal areas of alveolar destruction adjacent to areas of perfectly intact alveolar walls.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

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