Effect of misoprostol and cimetidine on gastric cell turnover

The effects of misoprostol 200 μg q.i.d. and cimetidine 300 mg q.i.d. on gastric cell turnover were investigated in duodenal ulcer patients before and after four weeks of therapy. Endoscopic biopsies were incubated with3H-thymidine. Glandular column length (number of cells per column) and the number of labelled cells per column were determined by autoradiography. There were no significant treatment effects on column length of the gastric pits of either the antrum or fundus. However, misoprostol and cimetidine had opposing effects on cell turnover. Misoprostol significantly decreased the number of labelled cells in antral (PPP<0.01) the number of labelled cells in antral and fundic columns. The increased gastric cell turnover caused by cimetidine may contribute to its activity in peptic ulcer disease. The decreased cell turnover induced by misoprostol does not appear to be a mechanism responsible for its well-established cytoprotective activity.