The purpose of this case report is to present a sixth patient with the functioning carcinoid syndrome due to a metastasizing bronchial adenoma of the carcinoid type. A review of the literature is not intended, since the first four such cases are included in the recent review on serotonin by Sjoerdsma;1a more recent fifth case was reported by Schneckcloth, Mclsaac, and Page.2 Report of a Case History.— A 59-year-old man was admitted to Duke Hospital for the first time on Nov. 19, 1959, with the chief complaints of weakness and irrational speech of three days' duration. The patient had been in excellent health until one year prior to admission, when he noted increasing fatigability. Although the fatigue was gradually progressive, he continued working without any specific complaints until three and one-half months prior to admission, when he noted the onset of intermittent, nonradiating left shoulder pain, which