The number of spermatozoa in spontaneous ejaculates of rats

A large majority of rats [Wistar, Sprague Dawley] deposited at least 1 seminal plug per 24 h, and the mean frequency was 1.93. The Sprague-Dawley rats ejaculated a significantly larger number of spermatozoa both per 24 h and per plug than did the Wistar rats, although the weights of the seminal plugs were similar in the 2 strains. The characteristics of the individual seminal plugs do not seem to be affected by the frequency of spontaneous ejaculation, which may, at least partly, be determined by the activity of the testes and accessory sex glands. The process of spermatogenesis and formation of secretions in the accessory sexual glands is generally believed to be continuous and, in many species, depends little on the degree of sexual activity. When the animal is prevented from being sexually active, the stores of spermatozoa and accessory gland secretions sooner or later become filled up; in this situation, the animal apparently ejaculates spontaneously.