Distribution of HLA‐A,B alleles in 13 panels of blood donors in France

Samples (13) of the French population were analyzed, 4147 nonrelated individuals living in Bordeaux, Brest, Caen, Dijon, Limoges, Lyon, Marseille, Nancy, Paris, Poitiers, Rennes, Strasbourg and Toulouse, all of whom were typed for 10 alleles of the HLA-A locus and 16 alleles of the HLA-B locus. The results showed a strong heterogeneity (.chi.2 = 675.13 for 324 df [degrees of freedon], P < 105). A diagram was drawn up, showing the matrix of genetic distances. This diagram enables the visualization of the hypothesis of 6 homogeneous clusters. A partition of .chi.2 was used to test this 6 cluster hypothesis: Paris and Caen (P = 0.98); Nancy, Strasbourg (P < 5%); Rennes, Brest (P = 1%); Dijon, Lyon, Marseille (P = 0.89); Limoges, Poitiers (P = 0.18); Toulouse, Bordeaux (P < 10-5). The heterogeneity within these clusters represents only 1/43 of the total heterogeneity.