The anatomic limitations of co2 laser cordectomy

The anatomical limitations of CO2 laser cordectomy in an experimental setting with maximal exposure are presented. The major limitation is the thyroid cartilage. This is reached in the area of anterior commissure tendon by removal of only 2 to 3 mm of soft tissue. Most posteriorly in the larynx, the distance to the thyroid cartilage becomes progressively greater, being 5.3 mm at mid-cord and 9.0 mm at the anterior end of the vocal process of the arytenoid. The inferior limitation is the cricothyroid membrane. Anteriorly this is avoided by not extending laser excision more inferiorly than 5 mm's. Posterolaterally, the limitation is the para-arytenoid musculature. Excisional biopsy or staging with the laser must be within the framework of these limitations.

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