Fine structural and ultracytochemical studies on the lymphocytes in three types of genetic mucopolysaccharidoses

Summary Lymphocytes from 6 patients with 3 types of genetic mucopolysaccharidoses (Hurler’s syndrome, Hunter’s syndrome and Morquio’s syndrome) contained numberous vacuoles in their cytoplasm. The size of the vacuoles ranged from approximately 300 nm to 750 nm. The percentage of the lymphocytes with vacuoles varied from 10% to 38%. The vacuoles showed acid phosphatase activity, which indicated their lysosommal nature. Staining with dialyzed iron solution usually localized acid mucosubstance in the peripheral region of these vacuoles after glutaraldehyde fixation. Ferritin and horseradish peroxidase were observed in the vacuoles after incubation of the patient’s lymphocytes with these tracers. This finding indicates the participation of endocytosis in the formation of these vacuoles.