Search for DoubleK-Shell Ionization in the Decay ofXe131m

The deexcitation of the h112 isomeric 164-keV level in Xe131m has been reinvestigated for the possible simultaneous emission of two K-conversion electrons. The double-decay process was searched for by observing the x-ray coincidence spectrum with Ge(Li)-NaI(Tl) and Ge(Li)-Si(Li) coincidence spectrometers. Although the characteristic x ray of xenon was actually observed in the coincidence spectrum, it was found that this was not primarily due to the simultaneous emission of two K electrons. Our experiment places an upper limit on the possible occurrence of double K-electron emission per single-photon decay: WeKeKWγ<1.4×103. From the observed photon spectrum in coincidence with K x rays, an upper limit of 2×102 is obtained for the probability of eKγ transitions per single-photon decay.

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