A technique for measuring the accumulation of99Tcmstannous-ethane-1-hydroxy-1, 1-diphosphonate in the canine tibia

An experimental technique is described to measure the accumulation of 99Tcm-stannous-ethane-1-hydroxy-1, 1-diphosphonate (99Tcm-EHDP) in the canine tibia. The method involves infusion at a constant rate of known amounts of 99Tcm-EHDP into the nutrient artery supplying the tibial bone. The accumulation of the diphosphonate in bone is measured by an external sodium iodide, NaI (Tl), scintillation detector. Results are presented showing that for small amounts of 99Tcm-EHDP (0.004–0.300 mg per hour) the accumulation is a nearly linear function with time for 60 minutes, after which the uptake may become variable with either a plateau formation or considerable fluctuation, of activity.