Invariants in Experimental Data on Linear Kinetics and the Formulation of Models

A new mathematical approach for the analysis of radioactive tracer experiments on compartmentalized systems in steady states is presented. The experimental measurements of the amounts of tracer in one or more compartments are approximated by a sum of exponential functions of time. The coefficients and exponential factors of these functions are shown to represent a set of invariants of the data. These are then related in a concise matrix equation to the compartmental model parameters, which are defined as the transition probabilities per unit time per unit quantity (turn‐over rates) of molecules from one compartment (or state) into another. When measurements are incomplete, the freedom in choosing a model is expressed in turns of a minimum number of variables equal to the difference between the number of model parameters and the number of invariants found in the data. It is shown how other information regarding the model parameters or the amounts of material in steady state may be combined with the tracer data to reduce the degrees of freedom of a proposed model. Matrix transformations are worked out to allow the mapping of all mathematically consistent models in the configuration space of the minimum variables. The boundaries in this space corresponding to the limits for physically realizable models are found. Thus, a model is expressed by a set of coordinates and the values of all the parameters are obtained by substituting the values of the coordinates. Investigation of the range of variation of each parameter over the bounded region is also possible.

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