Half-life ofPu241

The half-life of Pu241 was determined by studying the ingrowth of Am241 by α spectrometry. A synthetic mixture was prepared by mixing was prepared by mixing different isotopes of plutonium so as to obtain a Pu238/(Pu239+Pu240) α activity ratio of nearly 0.1 and an increase in the α activity ratio due to the ingrowth of Am241 of about 0.1 after a period of 30 days. This was done to get a desired change periodically in the α activity ratio and to measure this change with high precision and accuracy. The initial values of Pu239/Pu241 and Pu240/Pu241 atom ratios in the mixture were obtained by mass spectrometry. The ingrowth of Am241 was measured periodically by α spectrometry on electrodeposited sources using a silicon surface barrier detector. From the 80 α spectrometric measurements carried out on five electrodeposited sources over a period of 457 days, a value of 14.42±0.09 yr is obtained for the half-life of Pu241 using a value of 432.6 yr for the half-life of Am241. The uncertainty quoted on the value is a combination of one standard deviation on the average value and the error evaluated from the estimate on various error components. The half-life obtained in this work is in good agreement with the preliminary results reported recently by CBNM (Geel), NBS (Washington), and AERE (Harwell) using different methods.

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