Serum transfer of collagen-induced arthritis in mice.

Immunization of DBA/1 mice with native chick type II collagen resulted in development of polyarthritis 4-5 wk later. Sera of these mice contained high, levels of anticollagen antibodies; Ig concentrates of their sera transferred arthritis to unimmunized recipients. Histopathologically, this passively transferred arthritis resembled the early disease of immunized donors. Immunofluorescence studies demonstrated the deposition of IgG and [complement]C3 on the articular surface but not in synovial tissue of arthritic joints. Transferred, isotopically labeled anticollagen antibodies rapidly localized to the limbs and to other cartilage-containing tissues. When transfer concentrate was administered to arthritis-resistant strains, they also developed arthritis. Ig concentrates from rats with collagen-induced arthritis transferred arthritis to native mice. The amount of concentrate required for transfer to B10.D2 resistant mice was reduced by immunizing them with collagen 4 wk before transfer. Although susceptibility to arthritis from immunization is H-2 linked, these studies clearly demonstrate that passive transfer of arthritis depends upon injection of specific antibody and not on other host factors.