Capillary electrophoresis of rat liver microsomes in polymer solutions

Rat liver microsome components were separated by capillary zone eletrophoresis in buffers containing substituted agarose, agarose crosslinked polyacrylamide, polyacrylamide, polyethylene glycol and dextran of various molecular weights. The best resolution of the components was obtained with polymers of 10–21 nm geometric mean radius. Both the crude and the purified preparations of microsomes exhibit a single major peak. In a Tris‐borate‐EDTA (TBE) buffer, containing polyacrylamide of 5 × 106 molecular weight, it has a retardation coefficient, KR, of 0.77 × 0.02. Translation of the KR value to geometric mean radii, R, on the basis of the standard curve applicable to polymer solutions, KR vs. R, with polystyrene carboxylate size standards in both dextran and polyacrylamide solution allows one to estimate a value of R as 13–16 nm for the major microsome component. The value is smaller than expected from electron microscopic measurements (100–250 nm), possibly due to the chemical and geometric differences between microsomes and the polystyrene particles used as size standards. The crude preparation also contains a minor component which is smaller and less charged than the major component. Another component, apparently very much larger than the major one, is seen in TBE buffer but not in a potassium‐N‐(2‐hydroxyethyl)piperazine‐2′‐(2‐ethanesulfonic acid) buffer and is therefore thought to be an artifact of interaction with borate. After a short incubation under conditions promoting delayed microsome fusion, i.e. in presence of GTP and Mg++ and in the absense of polyethylene glycol, the electrophoretic pattern changes dramatically: it now exhibits five unretarded highly mobile and, therefore, presumbly large components in addition to the two original retarded components of the microsome and a less highly charged species similar in KR to the smaller of the original two components.