Twenty seven cases of actionomycotic mycetoma caused either by Actinomadura madurae or Actinomadura pelletierii have been described. Infection by A. madurae has been more common than A. pelletierii. Left foot in A. madurae and right foot in A. pelletierii infections were involved more commonly in adult males, whereas right foot of the females was frequently affected in A. madurae infection. Large, soft, white grains in A. madurae and small, firm, red grains in A. pelletierii were consistantly seen. Deep hematoxylin stained grains with scalloped margin and prominent eosinophilic club in A. madurae and such deep stained grains with smooth margin and horizontal cracks appearing as protions of a spherical mass in A. pelletierii were diagnostic. Large numbers of plasma cells and Russel bodies were also characteristic of A. madurae infection. Both the grains were stainable with Von Kossa method for calcium. Bone changes were similar in both the infections. Oral tetracycline produced soft tissue and bone resolution to almost normalcy in those who regularly consumed the drug any time from 2 to 6 years. Mild glucose intolerance, facial hyperpigmentation and urticaria were the side effects observed in a few. Two patients developed cataract following tetracycline therapy. The value of medical therapy with oral tetracycline in Actionomadura mycetomas is emphasized.