Chlorophyll-protein complexes were isolated from a yellow-green alga, Nannochloropsis salina after mild detergent treatment and gel electrophoresis. Three different complexes were obtained which correspond to the three major kinds of chlorophyll-proteins isolated from spinach chloroplasts by the same procedure and previously identified as reaction center complexes for photosystems I and II and a light-harvesting complex. The analogy between the algal complexes and those from spinach was drawn from their absorption and fluorescence spectra and relative pigment content. The identities and amounts of the major carotenoids associated with each isolated complex were determined by HPLC. Although the reaction center complexes accounted for only 14% of the total chlorophyll, they were highly enriched in β-carotene, whereas the light-harvesting complex contained a high proportion of xanthophylls (mainly violaxanthin and vaucheriaxanthin-ester). Fluorescence excitation spectra of the algal membranes showed that one or both of the major xanthophylls may act as antenna pigment for photosynthesis.