The uteri of pseudopregnant rats show a peak of metabolic activity on the 4th and 5th day of leucocytic smear. After the administration of 20 mg of pyrathiazine Cl on the 4th day of pseudo -pregnancy (L4) in order to induce decidualization of the progestational endometrium, the metabolic activity of the uterus becomes intensified. The amount of synthesis, estimated by determination of uterine weight, and amount of protein and nucleic acids, was considered as being related to an estrogen surge occurring on the 3rd day. The present work was undertaken to confirm the relation between the estrogen surge and the metabolic activity found in the uterus thereafter by using an anti-estrogenic substance ethanoxytriphetol (MER-25). The experiments were performed in pseudopregnant as well as in decidualizing animals. MER-25 was injected in the 3rd day of leucocytic vaginal smear of pseudopregnancy. Analyses of the uterine components 24, 48, 72, 96 hours after the injection of the antiestrogen showed a definite inhibition of the synthetic processes in the uterus of the otherwise untreated pseudopregnant rat as well as in decidualizing uterus. The results, confirm the role of estrogen surge in the processes of decidualization and the close relationship between the estrogen surge, increase of metabolism and decidualization.