Survival of nodular versus diffuse pattern lymphocytic poorly differentiated lymphoma

Response and survival were analyzed in 97 patients with NLPD (Nodular Lymphocytic Poorly Differentiated Lyphoma) and 77 with DLPD (Diffuse Lymphocytic Poorly Differentiated) treated by intensive versus moderate chemotherapy regimens. The complete and overall response rate in NLPD of 47% and 81% was significantly superior to 25% and 59% obtained in DLPD. The estimated two year survival of 83% in NLPD was also significantly superior to 47% two year survivorship of DLPD (p < .001). The chemotherapy responsiveness had a significantly favorable effect on DLPD survivorship with two year survivals of 84% for CR, 58% for PR and 17% for PD. In NLPD the effect of chemotherapy responsiveness on survival was less striking (CR 91%, PR 85%, and PD 72% surviving two years). The data, in our opinion, confirm the rationale for the use of aggressive multiple agent chemotherapy regimens in DLPD where achievement of complete response appears to be the single most important factor in improving survivorship. On the other hand NLPD, with excellent survival rates which appear to be only partially dependent on chemotherapy responsiveness might serve as an ideal model for moderate intensity or single agent chemotherapy trials.