A taxonomic and phylogenetic study based upon structural and life history studies was made of the tribe. Of 128 generic names proposed by previous authors, only the following are accepted as valid: Parthenos; Harma; Pseudathyma; Pseudacraea; Lebadea; Limenitis, with Limenitis and Adelpha as subgenera; Neptis, with Neptis and Acca as subgenera; Catuna; Hamanumida; Euphaedra; Euryphaedra; and Euthalia. Keys to these genera, synonymy, complete morph. descrs., and data on life histories and distr. are presented. The genera Eunica, Dynamine, Timetes, Cyrestis and Chersonesia, along with Limenitis elwesi are considered as not belonging to this tribe. The relationships of the genera and a theory on the phylogeny of the group are presented.