Although a half century has passed since Babinski1 described anosognosia for hemiplegia, a considerable difference of opinion as to its nature remains. One feature that as yet has not been explained adequately is the great predominance of patients with anosognosia for left hemiplegia over those in whom the right side of the body is involved. In studies where the relative incidence is given, the ratio has ranged from eight to one in the series of Hécaen2 to two to one in the studies of Nathanson, Bergman, and Gordon,3 and Battersby, Bender, Pollack, and Kahn.4 Despite different formulations, there is a fair consensus as to what clinical manifestations are included under the rubric of anosognosia. These are verbal negation of the paralyzed limbs, denial of their existence, and delusions, illusions, and hallucinations concerning the affected side including the phantom of an extra limb, and neglect of, and