Reliability of routine clearance methods for assessment of glomerular filtration rate in advanced renal insufficiency

The reliability of different clearance methods to assess the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was tested in fifteen patients with advanced chronic renal failure (range of GFR: 3–13 ml/min). The renal [51Cr]EDTA plasma clearance (Er) measured during optimal conditions with determination of residual bladder-urine was used as reference parameter of GFR, the reliability being ± 1.1 ml/min. The clearances of all the studied methods turned out to overestimate GFR. In the following the value by which a measured clearance value is subtracted to give an accurate estimate of GFR and the reliability (±) of a thus corrected value to assess GFR of the individual patient are given in parenthesis. The arithmetic mean of the renal plasma clearances of endogenous creatinine (Clcreat) and urea (2.0 ml/min; ±1.5 ml/min); single determination of 24-h Clcreat (3.4 ml/min; ± 2.0 ml/min); Clcreat calculated from a measured plasma creatinine concentration, considering sex, age and body weight of the patient (2.9 ml/min; ± 2.3 ml/min); total [51Cr]EDTA plasma clearance (Et) determined from three blood samples drawn 3–5 h after i.v. single injection (3.7 ml/min; ± 2.2 ml/min); and Et determined from two blood samples drawn 4 and 24 h after i.v. injection (0.5 ml/min; ± 0.5 ml/min). It is concluded that the most reliable assessment of GFR (=Er) is achieved either from a direct measurement or indirectly from Et determined from two blood samples drawn 5 and 24 h after i.v. single injection. Use of the mean value of three 24-h Clcreat determinations is recommended if facilities for measurement of radioactivity are not available.

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