Two-dimensional thermodynamic theory of epitaxialPb(Zr,Ti)O3thin films

Effects of film stresses on the phase stability and various ferroelectric properties of the epitaxially oriented Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 thin film were theoretically investigated. For this purpose, a two-dimensional thermodynamic model was developed using the Landau-Devonshire phenomenological theory. The theoretical computation predicts an increase in the para-ferroelectric transition temperature and an enhanced thermodynamic stability of the tetragonal-phase field, irrespective of the sign of stress (i.e., both tensile and compressive). In particular, it is predicted that tensile stress makes a new ferroelectric orthorhombic phase stable. We have also shown that dielectric properties usually exhibit their maximum values at a newly established Zr-rich morphotropic phase boundary, except for those parallel to the direction of the spontaneous polarization.

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