Studies with a Single-Pulse Shock Tube. I. The Cis—Trans Isomerization of Butene-2

The cis—trans isomerization of butene-2 was investigated behind reflected shocks in a single-pulse shock tube of a novel design. The temperature range covered was 1000°—1250°K, and concentrations of 1% and 6% of the butene in argon were used. Analyses were made by vapor-phase chromatography. The first-order rate constants obtained in this work fall slightly above the extrapolated Arrhenius curves of two recent low-temperature studies. An activation energy of 65, rather than 62.8 kcal/mole, is obtained when a straight line is drawn between the high and the low temperature data. |The rate constant obtained is kcis∞=3.5×1014exp(−65×103/RT).Possible sources of errors in evaluating reaction times in the single-pulse shock tube are discussed.