Introduction of plasmid pC194 into Bacillus thuringiensis by protoplast transformation and plasmid transfer

The Staphylococcus aureus plasmid pC194 which codes for resistance to chloramphenicol was introduced into six Bacillus thuringiensis strains representing five varieties by protoplast transformation. Six other varieties could not be transformed. pC194 could be identified in transformed strains as autonomous plasmid. The transformed clones contained in addition a new extrachromosomal element of somewhat lower electrophoretic mobility hybridizing with pC194, and pC194 in multimeric forms. pC194 was also transferred from one B. thuringiensis variety to another and from Bacillus thuringiensis to Bacillus subtilis and vice versa by a conjugation-like process, requiring close cell-to-cell contact.