Stabilization by multiplicative noise

We consider a dynamical model containing a short-time scale τs and a long-time scale τl and exhibiting a continuous instability depending on a control parameter. We study how the threshold is shifted if the control parameter is noisy with a correlation time τcτl with the use of both qualitative and systematic methods of adiabatic elimination. We find a noise-induced increase of the threshold of instability depending on the ratio λ=τsτc. If the fluctuations of the control parameter are Gaussian, and if τcτl0, τsτl0, on the scale τl, the fluctuations act as a Stratonovich noise source for τcτs and as an Itô noise source for τcτs. The intermediate regime τs=λτc with arbitrary λ is analyzed and found to be observable by the noise-induced shift of the threshold associated with it.