Raman Spectrum of α Quartz at High Pressures

Raman spectra of single crystals of α quartz at pressures as high as 40 kbar are reported. The frequencies of the Raman lines located at 128, 207, 265, 464, 697, 795, and 807 cm−1 at atmospheric pressure increase with increasing pressure by about 0.6, 1.8, 0.5, 0.9, 0.8, 0.8, and 0.8 cm−1·kbar−1, respectively, with a probable accuracy of about 20% due to an uncertainty about the pressure scale. These frequencies of the α‐quartz spectrum also are significantly sensitive to temperature. The frequencies of all other Raman lines of α quartz, except three at 145, 450, and 509 cm−1 that could not be studied, are independent of pressure.

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