Theoretical results are given for the ionization state, electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, and thermoelectric coefficient for the entire Periodic Table over extreme ranges of temperature and density. A spherical average ion embedded in a uniform plasma background is used as a model to evaluate the electron densities of states, elastic scattering cross sections, and ionization states. These are then combined with one-component plasma structure factors to compute mean relaxation times and electrical resistivities according to an extended Ziman formula. The method of Lampe is used to compute thermal conductivities and thermoelectric coefficients from these values. Some experimental comparisons are made. The transport coefficients appear to be accurate for weakly and moderately correlated plasmas, but not for strongly correlated liquids or crystalline materials. The coefficients are tabulated as numerical functions of temperature and density. The tables extend in temperature from 102 to 104 eV. Density ranges depend upon atomic mass; lower limits range from 104 to 102 g/cm3, and upper limits range from 105 to 107 g/cm3. Indications are given of the regions of validity of the results.