Experimental Research on a 400 kW High Power Density MHD Generator

An MHD Generator Facility was designed, constructed and placed in operation. The Facility is described and operating, maintenance, safety and calibration instructions and procedures are given. The Facility was utilized to measure conductivity of hydrocarbon-oxygen combustion gases seeded with cesium salts. A factor of two improvement in electrical conductivity as compared with potassium seeding was observed. A high specific power output (0.5 MW/kg/sec) MHD generator at the 300-400 kilowatt output level was designed and built for cyanogen-oxygen operation. The design of the generator is described, as are the modifications to the AERL Mark II facility which were required in order to test the generator. In spite of the system imperfections encountered the ability of an MHD generator to produce high specific output in the submegawatt power range with conventional hydrocarbon fuels was conclusively demonstrated.

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