Effect of asymmetrical reductions of photoperiod on pineal melatonin, locomotor activity and gonadal condition of male Syrian hamsters

This study investigated the relationship of two overt circadian rhythms, locomotor activity and melatonin synthesis in the pineal gland, by comparing their responses to asymmetrical reductions in photoperiod. Transfer of male Syrian hamsters from long to short daylengths led to an increase in the duration of both locomotor activity and the period of melatonin synthesis. Over the course of re-entrainment, the two rhythms were held in a stable phase relationship, and the direction of the switch did not influence the rate of decompression or the final phase relationships established after 8 weeks in short daylengths. Decompression of the activity rhythm was not influenced by pinealectomy. Exposure to short photoperiods caused gonadal regression and a consequent decline in serum testosterone levels from 10 to J. Endocr. (1987) 114, 221–229