The female Spanish population: a group at risk of nutritional iron deficiency

Iron deficiency is one of the most common nutritional problems in the world. It is frequent in both developed and developing countries and mainly affects women of childbearing age. The aim of the present study was to investigate the prevalence of iron deficiency in a group of young women from Madrid, Spain. The study subjects were a group of 130 women aged between 19 and 35 (24.53 ± 0.24 years). Measurements were made of iron intake and also of the haematological and biochemical indicators of iron status. 10.7% of subjects showed iron deficiency (defined as the recording of at least two indicator parameters with values below normal). The high incidence of iron deficiency at blood level (10.7%) coincided with the low iron intake of these subjects (11.08 ± 2.98 mg/day). 98.3% of subjects showed intakes below recommended. Observed intake covered only 61.6% of recommended intake. 3.9% of subjects presented ferropenic anaemia, i.e. they showed both iron deficiency and low haemoglobin levels.