Complex Longitudinal Magnetoconductivity of n-Type Silicon at 24 Gc/sec

The influence of a dc magnetic field on the microwave conductivity and permittivity of n silicon at 77°K is investigated. The magnetic field is applied coparallel to both the microwave electric field and a [111] axis of crystal symmetry. Because the experimental frequency is comparable to the reciprocal relaxation time, electron inertia produces an appreciable magnetoconductivity component in time quadrature with the electric field. Calculations to second order in B show that this component is nearly maximized by the choice of experimental frequency and temperature. The experimental results are compared with theoretical predictions derived from the frequency‐dependent Boltzmann equation by assuming an energy‐dependent relaxation time describing both intravalley and intervalley transitions. The average relaxation time of the electrons, deduced from the measured microwave magnetoconductivity, is found to agree well with that obtained by combining the dc mobility with effective mass components determined at 4.2°K by cyclotron resonance.