The use of nonmetric variation in estimating human population admixture: A test case with Brazilian blacks, whites, and mulattos

Measurements in populations which serve as valid indicators of biological relationship should be proportional to genetic distance. In order to test the utility of discrete cranial traits for estimating genetic distances among populations, estimates of admixture are obtained for gene frequency data and nonmetric cranial data in São Paulo mulattos (M). The gene frequency data serve as a control that the three populations are related as stated: estimates of admixture are obtained by using São Paulo whites (W) and blacks (B) as parental populations and by estimating the parameter of admixture, m, in the model pM = (1 − m) pW + mpB (Elston, 1971) where the p's are either gene frequencies or nonmetric trait frequencies. A test of goodness of fit of the model provides a means of ascertaining whether or not the data fit this linear model. While the gene frequency data indicate distances among the three populations which are highly compatible with the linear model of admixture, the nonmetric data show significant deviations from the model. This implies that the frequencies of the nonmetric traits in the populations used in this analysis are not a linear function of genetic distance. This discourages the use of nonmetric traits in making quantitative conclusions about genetic relationships. It also suggests the need for investigation of the use of other skeletal characters for estimating genetic distance, as well as approaches for such investigations through the study of hybrid individuals.