Intercellular channels in the pars tuberalis of the rat hypophysis and their relationship to the subarachnoid space

Summary A system of intercellular channels is described in the pars tuberalis (PT) of the female rat. These spaces are lined by all types of cells found in the PT and are not sealed off by tight junctions. Ventrally and dorsally, the intercellular spaces open toward the basement membranes separating the PT from (i) the subarachnoid space, and (ii) the perivascular space of the portal capillaries, respectively. These intercellular channels differ from the follicles, which are also found in the PT, being lined by a particular type of cell. In a second group of female rats an epoxy mixture was injected into the third ventricle; 10 min thereafter horseradish peroxidase was infused into the cisterna magna. After processing the brain for the demonstration of exogenous peroxidase, it was found that the tracer had reached the subarachnoid space adjacent to the hypothalamus and entered into all ventricular cavities with the exception of the infundibular recess. Under these experimental conditions it was found that the tracer fills all intercellular channels of the PT, thus indicating that there is no barrier between the subarachnoid space and the PT. It is suggested that the subarachnoid space should be regarded as a probable route for the transport of trophic factor(s) and/or secretory product(s) of the PT.