The two principal models purporting to describe elution behavior are presented, and it is argued that they cannot be distinguished solely on the basis of chromatographic data. A recent modification (so as to describe all known isotherm types) of one of these is fitted in this work to the retentions of five test solutes with silica sorbent and mobile phases comprised of hexane + the additive pairs: THF/MC; ACN/MC; IPA/THF; IPA/MC; ACN/THF; and ACN/IPA over the compositional range 0–0.12% v/v, for which advantages in routine analysis are said to obtain. The fits describe without exception all systems studied to within experimental error, although there is no immediately-apparent correlation of the resultant parameters with the bulk properties either of the solutes or solvents. Nevertheless, the ability to forecast retentions with blended mobile phases from data pertaining to at most four or five measurements is claimed to represent a considerable advance over all other models in use in liquid chromatography at the present time.